
“Pneuma” (\ˈnü-mə, ˈnyü-\) is a Greek term often defined as soul or spirit. It’s meaning also encompasses the ideas of wind and breath/respiration. In the teachings of Jesus, pneuma is referred to as an empowering force called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s purpose in the world lies in bringing creative transformation to the human existence. “Pneuma” is a collection of paintings that visually explores this process of inner-change. It is a manifestation of my prayers and times of meditation with God.


Each piece begins with a gestural image scrawled out in India ink. I then continue to layer with painting and drawing mediums, pushing and pulling the color, line and shape to render depth and to create a transformed, otherworldly space within my picture plane. Inspired by sound, my brush is largely directed by the music filling my studio. The outcome of this synesthesia is a distinct sense of rhythm and repetition of line in my work, which mirror the heartbeat of life in and around me.